
I went to another MD and when I went there they mentioned another pill, and the possibility of a spinal block and the possibility of surgery. So, all very invasive things.
So my friend told me about coming here. She came here for a different reason but she talked about how she can definitely see that things were being done here for people with severe back pain.
I saw three different doctors along the way. So it was all pills, spinal block and possible surgery.
I couldn’t drive because my leg hurt so much and was so numb that I couldn’t feel my right foot. I couldn’t tie my shoe. I couldn’t wipe my feet after I got out of the shower. It hurt all day long. Sleeping, I woke up 5, 6, 7 times a day, or night, trying to sleep because the pain got so bad.
I can do everything that I previously did. Ya know, I get out of the shower and wipe my feet. I wipe the dogs feet when she comes into the house. I can’t feel any pain at all when I’m driving. I can feel my right foot. So, I would say that after my treatments here that I have the same life I had before the pain started.
The great thing about the doctor is that he is very willing to talk to you. And he’ll talk to you every time you come in if you need to talk. Um, and he has a great office staff. The girls at the desk are very friendly and accommodating with time because you do need to come in frequently.
Geneva, who works the tables, is always in a great mood. And she just makes everything about that process a time of smiling. It’s not scary. The tables themselves look a little scary when you first come in, but it’s actually the biggest feeling I get from being on them is this is a great place to take a nap. Nothing hurts, it all feels great.
The first time I came in the doctor asked me if I wanted to try it. And I think that was a wonderful way to get you started because, you realize that while it looks a little different it doesn’t hurt. It’s very relaxing. Geneva always has a new movie on everyday that you could watch.
There’s nothing to be afraid of on those tables. They’re a great experience. I can’t think of a single bad thing about being on them.”

The herniated discs in my lower back were causing great nerve pain in my legs and even feet. I had been very athletic most of my life and could take pain, but this was too much.
I had heard about the decompression therapy from a friend, who thought it might be worth a try. From the time I entered the office, the friendliness of the staff and the fact that the doctor seemed to know each patient that entered the office was impressive. He explained to me that he thought the therapy would be very helpful and greatly decrease my pain level. I decided to give it a try, with a hopeful attitude that I had been led to a place that actually cared about me as a person.
The decompression therapy and follow-up chiropractic care from the doctors has made a dramatic impact on my life and health. The pain level was reduced almost immediately with therapy. The heaviness in my legs was greatly decreased as well. Deb and the staff treated me with great care and compassion throughout the treatment sessions, and each session was always an encouraging experience. My wife and I had planned a cruise following the sessions, and I thought there would be no way I could go, given the pain and discomfort I was in. However, with the sessions, not only was I able to go, but I was able to walk and enjoy the beauty of the islands we visited.
As a former athlete, I can tell I still need follow up care to get to the level of activity I desire. With the doctors help, I am working on regaining my flexibility now that the pain level is very low, and I feel like I’m well on my way.
As a pastor for a new church, I am thankful for the care that I have received from the entire staff. Their support, individualized treatment and care have made a big difference in my life. I can only hope to treat my congregation with the care and compassion that I have been treated with as a patient of this office. I am thankful for the therapy that has brought relief from the pain. Thankful for the follow-up care that continues to improve my back, and thankful to meet a doctor and staff who both treat pain, and cares for people.”
-Darryll Harris, Pastor

Just when I thought that the back pain could not get worse, walking up the stairs one day I felt this horrible shooting pain go down my left leg and into my foot. My left foot was totally numb.
At this time, the Neurosurgeon said that my only option would be SURGERY.
My disc had fully ruptured and therefore it was important that we do something as soon as possible to avoid further complications. I was miserable. could barely get out of bed, walk, sit comfortably, work, drive, pretty much I could barely live. I hated how I felt, but more than that I hated the idea of surgery.
A while back, my fiancee and I had seen this office on a channel 3 news documentary and learned about the non-surgical Spinal Decompression System. The rest is history! The first week, I felt better. I started to have less pain in my leg, some feeling came back to my foot, and the back pain almost completely subsided. The second week, even after me overdoing it over the weekend, I felt a little bit better again. After my fourth week, I am pain free. I am living a normal life again. I am not afraid to move or be active as I was before. I feel great again and I owe it to Solon Spine and Wellness Center!”
-Faith Adams

My first impression of the staff and office was great. Everyone was very friendly and I could tell they really wanted to help me. They were able to get me in the next day. I felt a difference immediately. The second treatment I was able to bend over for the first time in two months without any shooting pains. After the fifth treatment I had no more pain in my left leg. I would just get a sore lower back once in awhile. I am now on my fifteenth session, and I am feeling great.
I would recommend this treatment to anyone with back pain. It really works. I just want to thank everyone at Solon Spine and Wellness Center for making this tragedy a good experience.”
-Frank Adler

You feel like somebody went in there and actually took something that was blocking your flexibility and mobility and movement out of your back and took it out, but without cutting on you… without surgery, without rehab, without all of that. Without being off of work.
You forget, and that’s the thing. It has been over two years and I could not ever forget. I never got to a point where I could forget -until I started coming here.”
-Andrea Tiller

I have never felt pain like I HAD BEFORE I came to Solon Spine and Wellness Center. I went to a conference in San Antonio, Texas with my sister. I could walk before I left, but I returned in a wheelchair.
I called my orthopedic specialist, and when he saw me he was very concerned about my “dropped” left foot. He sent me to a spine surgeon, who sent me for an MRI. When he read the MRI, he informed me that I had only two options; surgery, or shots in my spine for pain. Neither choice appealed to me. I made an appointment to see another orthopedic pecialist and he gave me no additional options.
I prayed to God to help me and guide me in what to do. I could barely walk or stand, just sit down,
and take pain pills on my two week sick leave from work. When I returned to work, it was extremely difficult to walk, bend or stand, but by God’s Grace I made it through the day.
One evening my mother was reading the paper and saw the insert for spinal decompression. She handed it to me, and I first read the testimonial and said “THAT’S ME!!” I did read the other side regarding the new technology. I promptly put the flyer in my bag to take to work the next day to call for an appointment.
I called and got an appointment for that same day. I was greeted with smiles that made me feel welcomed and at ease. My MRI report had been reviewed before the doctor came in to talk to me. He was the first doctor that explained to me what was causing the pain in my back and legs. He did some tests and felt that the spinal decompression treatments could help me.
I came to my appointments, hoping that after each session I would feel better. Sometimes I felt improvement and others I felt the same. Everyone in the office encouraged me to continue. They were confident that I would reach my turning point. When I came in on my 11th session, I was in excruciating pain. I was crying. That day was my turning point. Since that session, the pain has greatly diminished.
I was recommended to do physical therapy to strengthen my back and to get my left foot to function properly. The physical therapy in addition to the treatments is working. I have gone from using a rutch to walk, to using a cane. Now I barely use the cane I have told numerous persons about the treatments I received for my back. I have passed out many business cards for this office. My family can speak on the excruciating pain I was in before I came to Solon Spine and Wellness Center. I recommend this treatment to anyone that wants other options then surgery or shots.”
-Glenda James-Morin

I had already had two back surgeries, and they only gave me temporary relief. I was desperate to find some alternative that would give me permanent relief and finally heal my back. Of course, with the surgeries, I had to miss work. Each time I was severely disappointed when the surgery only gave me temporary relief. I had also had a series of cortisone injections, which did nothing to lesson the pain.
Dr. Abood recommended decompression therapy for me, and he and his staff took the time and effort to do everything to get me back on my feet and enjoying my life again. I am very happy with the results. My back pain is now minimal and the numbness in my leg is completely gone.”
-Larry Perry

It’s been a huge change. It’s made a huge life change for me. It’s been a big difference.
Each time you come, you think, “Oh my gosh this is better,” and then you keep coming and it’s like, wow, it’s fixing me. It’s fixing whatever’s wrong and it’s great.”

I was very fortunate. My body responded very very quickly …
after I was done with the prescribed treatment time, I mean, I was literally done. I mean, there was, there was nothing. It was like someone had taken some very soft gloves and had taken everything and put it back into place.
They were here for me. They treated me how I would want to be treated. And that was all I could ask.”
-Sherri Safier

Surgery was the last thing I wanted to go through. again. My back pain was so severe that I could not sleep well at night. My mornings were terrible. I could not sit at the table and eat my breakfast because of the severe pain in both legs, and back. Walking, sitting or lying flat was all painful. Going to the movies, church, or out to dinner was always very hard for me.
My husband and I like to travel, and this was next to impossible for me. The fun person that I used to be was just a memory. The pain in my eyes was obvious and my smiles could not hide the pain, no matter how hard I tried. I looked so old, and felt even older!
Solon Spine and Wellness Center and the Spinal Decompression therapy, has literally changed my life. I walked in his office and found a very caring doctor and staff. They spoke to me from their hearts, and with the true facts. No hype. I was not pressured in any way to start this therapy.
My options were to continue on with severe low pain, and just exist day to day, or try this new treatment that has been proven to be 86% effective. Not a hard decision to make! I decided to go for it.
This was one of the best decisions that I have ever made. Solon Spine and Wellness Center scheduled me for a series of Spinal Decompression treatments. I began to notice a dramatic change after just 10 treatments. The treatments were actually very relaxing and not painful in anyway, unlike surgery! I always looked forward to every one!
I am now without any pain, and I have my life back again! I laugh much more, sleep better, enjoy church, movies and every meal sitting down! The pain from my face has disappeared and I not only feel young again, I look younger!
We just returned from a long road trip to NC! Eleven hours in the car. and I am still pain free. my family and friends could not believe the difference in me. I did take my exercise ball, and do the prescribed exercises that the docotr recommended. Life is great again.
I encourage anyone suffering from back pain to take a look at this non-invasive treatment that
works! This was so much easier than my back surgery, and no side effects, just side benefits. laughter, and enjoying every hour of my day, every day! I am really looking forward to summer now! Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Solon Spine and Wellness Center and your wonderful staff.”
-Gail Harrison

I saw Solon Spine and Wellness Center’s ad about the ABS table and it sounded like something that would help me. I tried one other chiropractor and all kinds of pain relievers including Vicodin, without any success. I also tried wearing a belt and it made me feel better but made my muscles weak, which was not good.
I received great care after only five treatments I felt great. I still had a little pain, but nothing like before and my pain kept getting better. I would recommend anybody with back pain to see Solon Spine and Wellness Center. They are all great people and very friendly. They treat you like family.”
-Mervin Erb
I met with the doctor when he looked over my MRI and then he gave me an exam to determine if he could help me, my favorite words he said were, “I think I can help you”. He instantly went out to his staff and requested that I get on the decompression table right then and there. I was scared
because I had been in pain for so long and I did no know what to expect. His staff placed me on the machine for 30 minutes and when I got off the machine, it was remarkable, I did not have the tingling in the bottom of my feet anymore.
This to me was incredible! I have had 20 visits now on the Lumbar Decompression and my life has changed so much. I am able to do things that I have not been able to do in two years. I would recommend this machine to anyone who has had any type of back problems for a period of time. My only regret through this process is “I wish I knew about this machine and Solon Spine and Wellness Center two years ago!”
I would like to thank Solon Spine and Wellness Center and it’s staff at for the wonderful service I receive while getting my treatments on the Lumbar Decompression Machine.”
-Katrina Fasone
I was told with surgery I had a 50/50 shot of getting well, but that was not an option for me. My job is in sales, and I need to be positive to make sales. I was also missing days because I couldn’t work all day. I have young sons, and I could no longer be active and play with them. I had become a person that I didn’t even want to be around.
Since coming to Solon Spine and Wellness Center, I tell everyone that will listen about how well the doctors and staff take care of me. The great attitude that everyone has makes a world of difference when you don’t feel well. I’m amazed at how quickly I got better-back to 100%, and without drugs or surgery! I feel so much better, and I can even run now!! My wife is thankful because she has her happy husband back, my sons are happy that they have their dad back, and I’m happy to be back!”
-Darrell Thornton